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How do Lice and Nits Spread?

by Paula Surdo 07 Nov 2023

Head-lice, also known as Pediculus humanus capitis, also known as the worst part about back-to-school, are always unwelcome guests.

They’re the bane of every mum’s life.

The best way to make sure these unwanted guests never return to the home is by learning as much as we can about how they spread so we can stop the lice in their tracks.

“Know thy enemy” has never been more true.

To help you protect your family against lice and nits, we’ve answered some of the most common (and important) questions here.

What do they want?

To ruin our lives.

We’re just joking, but that’s definitely what it feels like.

Their true goal might actually be worse…

We all know that lice love the scalp, but that’s simply because the scalp is the ideal place for them to live, hidden, where they can feed on human blood several times a day.

We know. It’s gross.

How do head-lice move?

There is a fairly popular myth that lice can jump, but this simply isn’t true.

Oh no.

Lice crawl.

(Are you scratching yet? We are.)

This means that they can spread from one host to the next by either head-to-head contact or by crawling onto objects/clothing/furniture until someone else makes contact with that object.

How do head-lice reproduce?

Without our permission, that’s for sure!

Lice eggs, otherwise known as nits, are laid by the female head louse at the base of the hair shaft, near to the scalp.

They often appear yellow or white, and usually take anywhere from 8 to 9 days to hatch and become adult lice.

(If you weren’t scratching before, you definitely are now.)

We know, this is some pretty serious stuff, and a lot to think about… a real ‘head-scratcher’.

(Sorry- we had to.)

But the good news is that you hold all the power.

As we said earlier, lice can only travel if you make head-to-head contact with an infected person or head-to-object contact with an object.

This means that you can limit your chances of getting head-lice or nits by following the simple 3 step process:




Let’s break it down.

Stop- if you find yourself in a risky situation, stop for a moment.

Think- ask yourself, could this be putting my scalp at risk of getting head-lice?

Act- stop lice in their tracks by taking action and limiting your chances of getting lice!

It really is that simple.

And if you do get head-lice, that’s where we come in!

You are not alone.

At No More Lice, we are always here to help remove lice from your head and your home.

To find out more about how we help families just like you, visit our About Us page or follow us on:

Instagram: @nomoreliceuae

Facebook: @Nomorelice


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